Home Page


Welcome to the SWABS Website!

We hope you enjoy the 2015-2016 course and find it useful in your preparation for the Primary FRCA examination.


  • Welcome to this years SWABS - we look forward to meeting you all and hope you enjoy the course.

  • As well as the overview programme distributd on the CT1 Study Day there is a more detailed programme highlighting sections from the RCoA Syllabus.

     To download Click Here

  • There is also a new Google Group discussion forum. This is hoped to be a useful place for you to quickly share any thoughts, ideas, problems, exam plans etc. I will also be watching out and help out in any way I can if required. I have sent out invites to your email addresses. If you don't receive an email, please let me know. 

     Enter the forum by using the dropdown tab on the menu above.

     Or to navigate to the SWABS Google Group in google: Click Here

Any questions or comments/suggestions about the course or indeed the website, please get in touch. Many thanks, Phil Coles

 Phil Coles © SWABS 2013